Холм Одного Дерева with Chad Murray ....One Tree Hill...


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Добрые дела ONE TREE HILL

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Думаю, эта тема достойна отдельного топика, так как актёры постоянно участвуют в благотворительных акциях и других подобных мероприятиях. Только что на сайте http://www.onetreehillweb.net/ прочитал статью:

Over the holidays, tragedy struck the Bell family at their Leland home in North Carolina. The family who is made up of two girls and two boys shared neighboring mobile homes on the same property with their family when a fire broke out one night which ended the lives of Anthony, 8, and Tyler, 6. Also in the mobile home at the time of the fire were surviving victims parents, Daniel and Samantha Bell, Daniel's daughter Kaytlin Bell, 13, and Samantha's daughter Kayla Turner, 11.

The brothers were trapped in the bathroom they shared which was engulfed in the blaze. When the fire began around 2 a.m. in the home's bathroom, located in the back between the master bedroom and the children's bedrooms, officials determined that materials too close to a space heater caught fire which spread the flames throughout the house.

The girls, Kayla and Kaytlin suffered internal and external burns and smoke inhalation and were put on ventilators in their room at the burn center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Daniel and Samantha Bell also suffered from minor burns.

After hearing this story, One Tree Hill's Hilarie Burton phoned into a local radio station in Wilmington, Z107.5 FM and told them that she and cast members from the show would be holding a fundraiser this Saturday, February 2, 2008 at Kefi from 4pm-12am to help the family rebuild their lives and home. Over 70 local businesses are helping out with things up for raffle, and they ask for a admission price of $10 which gets you a raffle ticket and a chance to win.

Kefi is located on 2012 Eastwood Road in Wilmington, North Carolina.

We were just recently informed about this event and will be getting you even more details about the benefit and how you can help. Keep checking back today and tomorrow for more information!

You can read more about the family's story at StarNewsOnline.com: http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/2 … SPORTS0701

Обращаю внимание также на тот факт, что часть средств с продаж второго саундтрека пошли в Национальный фонд борьбы с раком груди: http://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/, не говоря уже о всех благотворительных матчах, в которых участвовали актёры, в частности Дежймс Лафферти.

Отредактировано KENT_light (05-02-2008 11:58:49)



Да, я тоже читал эту статью и горжусь ребятами. Они действительно молодцы!



За это мы их и любим,за добрые деда и поступки.Как в Холме,так и в жизни!!!